Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I heart jimena

Got a bit of hurricane jimena swell. Not too big...kinda small actually. But there were a few fun ones and the water was WARM. It felt good.
Surfed my newest quiver addition, a 5'8" little disc that a buddy sold me for $100. Thing has no rocker but is a really fun little board. Surfs like a little skid pad. Got a ton of waves.

After the session I did my usual routine and went over to get a juice at jamba juice. I parked at a meter, where I thought my beach pass worked. When I came out five minutes later a parking cop was writing me a ticket! I explained that I thought the beach pass worked there and she explained that this stretch of meters are the ONLY meters where the beach pass doesn't work. I then explained it was an honest mistake and had I known I would have parked in the very next spot over (a meterless 24min limit spot) or put one of the 100 quarters that are in my ash tray in the meter. She said "too bad, it's already done". 45 bones. That's almost as much as my new skid pad cost.

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