Saturday, September 12, 2009


So fun at the cliffs today. Ch-Sh high with some HH sets, even bigger at times. I stayed out for two hours and got a ton of waves. It was crowded but Agro Rob and Od Rod were around and most people stay clear of them. They don't mind me hanging with them though. Kinda nice cherry picking off of the enforcers.

Mullet Mike does the same thing and we were kind of yucking it up in the parking lot afterwards. Man those guys just don't stop hassling the whole time in the lineup. They kind of have their own set of rules. If they don't recognize you they feel like they don't owe you anything and if anyone burns them or any of the people they know, they hassle them right out of the lineup. Not sure I really endorse their behavior but I'm glad I fall in the category of "people they know".

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